Wed May 27, 8:02 am ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russian police have taken into care a 5-year-old girl who has been shut up in a flat in the company of cats and dogs for her entire life, police said on Wednesday.
The girl, who lived in the Eastern Siberian city of Chita, could not speak Russian and acted like an dog when police took her into care.
"For five years, the girl was 'brought up' by several dogs and cats and had never been outside," a police statement said.
"The unwashed girl was dressed in filthy clothes, had the clear attributes of an animal and jumped at people," it said.
The flat had no heat, water or sewage system.
A police spokeswoman said the girl, known as Natasha, is being monitored by psychologists in an orphanage. Her mother was being questioned but her father has not been found yet.
She appears to be about 2-years-old, though her real age is five, refuses to eat with a spoon and has taken on many of the gestures of the animals with which she lived, police said.
"When carers leave the room, the girl jumps at the door and barks," the police said.
Feral children, the stuff of folklore all over the world, usually exhibit the behaviour of the animals with whom they have had closest contact, a condition known as the Mowgli Syndrome after the fictional child from Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book" who was raised by wolves in the jungle.
Such children have usually built strong ties with the animals with whom they lived and find the transition to normal human contact extremely traumatic.
(Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge, editing by Farah Master)
onsdag 27 maj 2009
torsdag 21 maj 2009
Melodifestivalen 2009
tisdag 19 maj 2009
Twin Peaks - igen!
Favorit i repris :) Igår köpte jag Twin Peaks Gold-boxen och idag började jag titta på pilotavsnittet. Det här gillar jag - konstig stämning och mystiska människor.
Twin Peaks är en amerikansk TV-serie från 1990 - 1991 om totalt 30 avsnitt, skapad av Mark Frost och David Lynch. Handlingen utspelar sig i februari - mars 1989 i den fiktiva, till synes idylliska, småstaden Twin Peaks som är belägen i delstaten Washington i det nordvästra hörnet av USA, nära gränsen till Kanada.
Serien börjar med att att den lokala skönhetsdrottningen Laura Palmer hittas mördad och FBI-agenten Dale Cooper kallas in för att lösa fallet. Under utredningens gång upptäcker Cooper att det lilla samhället ruvar på mörka och mystiska hemligheter samt att inget i Twin Peaks är vad det synes vara.
fredag 15 maj 2009
måndag 4 maj 2009
Kapten Stofils tioårsjubileum 2009
Den 2 maj 2009 firade Kapten Stofil 10-årsjubileum på Serieteket i Stockholm och jag var vimmelfotograf :) Kolla in en del bilder på:

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